First Blog Post Baby!


Hello friends!  It’s been awhile since I’ve sat and actively wrote a blog post, so while my little one is napping, I just wanted to say hi and catch you up on a few things! 🙂

July 14th at 8:11 in the morning, my little girl, Hazel made her way into this world!!  I will write a post/make a video about my birth story soon.  However, everything went pretty smooth for what was my first baby, and I’m almost 3 weeks postpartum and doing better each day.

My parents were here with us for 2 weeks, and it was really nice to have them here, and even though I was still learning my new baby, and trying to figure it all out, we enjoyed our time together.  I do miss the meals that were always made for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I got spoiled with that.  I learn that once you don’t have that luxury anymore, you tend to eat the same things for each meal because it’s quick and easy, but also gets old quickly.  I’ve ate a lot of turkey sandwiches and I’m a little bored of that now.

I’ve also learned that I am a more social person than I thought I was.  I always knew I enjoyed being around my friends and just people (the nice ones lol), but I didn’t realize that is a lot of my personality.  I don’t want to say I have postpartum depression, because I’m doing fine, I just had pretty heavy baby blues for a few days after my parents left.  I was of course sad they left, but I hated not getting out in town to see people, or really talking to anyone.  My husband is taking more time adjusting to everything, and that’s been a little harder on me as well.  A baby is a big change and even though you are excited for the change and can’t wait to be parents, it’s still overwhelming and hard to transition.

I am finally getting out of the house more, but I’m still afraid to drive by myself yet.  I don’t like not being beside Hazel in the car, I’m afraid that her car seat will pinch her or it will be too tight and I won’t be able to tell and something bad will happen.  I’m just paranoid, and I even have one of those car mirrors installed, but it’s still scary!!  I’ll get over it soon enough, and I’m also waiting till I’m a little more healed up myself too.

Well I’ll write more when I can!  Tonight I believe we are going to a car show downtown, and tomorrow we are going to an arts and crafts festival!! I’m just happy to be getting out of the house, and enjoying the outside a little bit, and we get to do it all with our little girl!  Who will be sleeping most the trip I’m sure, but it’s great that she is here and we love her SO much!!

Thanks for reading!

~xoxo Seneca

Let’s be friends!
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